The Official JetCJr Webring

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IMPORTANT NOTICE:  Since Webring joined with Yahoo! and now have JavaScript, we're not too impressed, so we have moved to RingSurf.  This also allows you to put your webrings on one page but have the webring link to another page -- that's why this form asks for two URL's.  The first is the URL of your site, where you want people to go to when they visit via a webring, and the second is the URL where the webring code will be so that it can be checked for correctness and if the code is not there you will be moved to the queue, if they are both the same then leave the second space blank.

If you have an problems filling out this form, or have a question that we haven't already answered then email us at


Submit Site to The Official JetCJr Webring

Site Title:

Site URL:

The URL of the page where the webring code will be located -- if different from the above URL.



Choose a password: [Don't forget it!]

Keywords: [Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.]

Description: [Enter a short description of your site.]

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Site Copyright © Ashley, Cassie and Laura 1999-2002