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February 26th 2002
The site has moved, yet again. Sorry about this, but it can't be helped. Our web host, f2s, has discontinued it's free web hosting service, hence the necessity for the move. We're actually using Tripod at the moment - we did try using an ad-free service, but that was very slow and was having a lot of issues, so it's ads, but a (hopefully) reliable service. As always,the redirect URL works - http://jetcjr.cjb.net, and we can be contacted at jetcjr@yahoo.com. New with this update we have 18 new stories and a few new links.
October 9th 2001
Most importantly, this site has moved. There is still a site at Geocities that will be updated just as often as this one is, however this one has no ads, and a better, shorter URL - http://www.jetcjr.f2s.com. The redirect URL (http://jetcjr.cjb.net) also still works, and should always take you to a site that is updated and works.
Along with the nifty new url, we also have a little more webspace to archive those fics, and some new email addresses. Again, the old ones still work fine and will be checked regularly, however all links on this page are for the new addresses - the most important of there being jetcjr@f2s.com which can be used to contact at us at any time about any aspect of the page.
Aside from all of that, there are 33 new stories, lots of new links (including a new layout for the links page itself). Also there is a new list at JetCJr - The JetCJr Round Robin. More information about the list and how to join can be found at http://www.jetcjr.f2s.com/roundrobin.
June 10th 2001
19 new stories, some new links and a new beta reader.
May 19th 2001
18 new stories and new links.
March 25th 2001
40 new stories, new beta readers and new links. As many people know we have been questioning whether it is worth the time and effort to keep the story archives open - due to the great response to our email they will be staying open for now, although it's up to you to keep submitting and keep it open. Thank you to all of you who have submitted and expressed your concern, it is much appreciated.
February 8th 2001
25 (yes, 25, this must be a record) new stories, some new beta readers and some new links. Also, as you may have noticed, the 'new look' which isn't so much completely new as slightly different. I decided it was time for a change, and I think this is easier to read - but tell us what you think - jetcjr@jetcjr.cjb.net.
December 30th 2000
The JetCJr Beta Bar, a list of beta reader volunteers.
December 9th 2000
The site now uses a little bit of java -- check out the Index by Author page and the Index by Title page. Also a new redirect URL http://jetcjr.cjb.net.
December 3rd 2000
Yes, the site has finally been updated. Blame RL for the delay... New links and new stories.
September 1st 2000
New link and new stories. Also JetCJr9 is closed and JetCJr10 is open.
July 2nd 2000
New stories and new links.
June 14th 2000
Some new stories. Our e-mail address has also changed to jetcjr@yahoo.com.
June 4th 2000
7 new stories (which can now be found on a separate page and will be archived with the rest when the site is next updated) and some new links.
May 13th 2000
Happy Resolutions Day!! There is some new fanfic fanfic and a the JetCJr6 page has moved and has a new look -- you can get there via the links page.
April 9th 2000
Lots and lots of new fanfic and a new link.
March 4th 2000
Fanfic page updated.
February 27th 2000
The webrings page grows bigger still and we have joined the Top 100 Voyager Sites poll. Please vote for us.
January 29th 2000
We have joined a new webring and there is a picture gallery.
January 21st 2000
S-Z story section updated. Also the fanfic section is now sorted by both Title and Author.
January 9th 2000
New Guestbook and a few new links and a new story in the A-G section.
January 5th 2000
The site is now moved and up, for the most part.
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Site Copyright © Ashley, Cassie and Laura 1999-2002